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-Develop our children into responsible, competent, confident and creative users of technologies to be equipped for our ever developing technological world.

-Provide a wealth of learning opportunities and transferrable skills explicitly within the computing lessons and across other curriculum subjects.

-Children to know how to use technology safely and be aware of the 4 C’s of online risks of harm; Content, Contact, Conduct and Commerce. Children to identify and use a range of ways to report e-safety concerns both in and out of school.



Use supportive frameworks when planning lessons, such as PRIMM (Predict, Run, Investigate, Modify, Make) and Use-Modify-Create. These frameworks are based on research and ensure that differentiation can be built in at various stages of the lesson.

Computing Cycle

-In Early Years we use the Barefoot programme that is designed to develop the children’s conceptual thinking as well as unplugged tasks to allow the children to apply computing skills within provision.

-In Key Stage 1 and 2 we follow the NCCE Teach Computing programme where skills are taught for an hour a week, progressively through four units: computing systems and networks, creating media, programming and data and information.

-Children will have access to a range of relevant hardware and software to develop the skills taught as well as frequent ‘unplugged’ tasks.

-Children will be taught e-safety explicitly through PiXL resources with the addition of D-Side visitors, E-Safety week and regular revisits and consolidation of e-safety.


The impact of our computing approach is:

  • Children have confidence in using a variety of technologies and know how to use them to communicate and enhance their learning.
  • Children understand the importance of staying safe online and know what to do if they feel they are unsafe.
  • Children are prepared for an ever developing digital world.
Computing Progression Document