Our Vision

Achievement of Pupils

If our children are emotionally intelligent, they are self-aware. If they are self-aware, they are able to self regulate. They can then be motivated to achieve. If they can work through these intelligences, they are then able to empathise (be sympathetic) and develop good social skills.

Quality of Teaching

At Middleton Primary School we believe in growing hearts and minds. We achieve this by providing high quality education, which meets the needs of all our learners. Also by providing a high quality, stimulating and relevant curriculum, that meets the needs of every child. We welcome all pupils and provide the best experiences for them, regardless of race, sex, religion, gender, disability, class, culture and sexual orientation and identity.

Behaviour and Safety of Pupils

Ensuring our children have the right to a caring, safe and welcoming environment, where everyone feels valued and where all members of the school community have the opportunity to fulfil their full potential. Promoting rights and responsibilities. The right to a quality education. Teaching children that they are responsible for taking advantage of the opportunities that are available to them. We are also responsible for building our children’s self-esteem – building their overall sense of self-worth. The greater their self-esteem, then the greater their confidence and the more likely they are to engage with the curriculum.

Leadership and Management

Together we achieve. We aspire to provide a world class education because our children deserve nothing less.

When our children leave our school we aim for them to be:

  • Responsible and independent learners.
  • Accepting and respectful citizens in the global world we live in.
  • Develop lively and enquiring minds.
  • Be aspirational and achieve their dreams.

In order to achieve this we work TOGETHER where pupils, teachers, parents, governors and the community work together in partnership. The letters of TOGETHER represent our whole school values.

Our key values are for our children to:

  • Thrive, have Opportunities, Grow (Physically and Mentally), Enjoy, be Truthful, be Healthy (in mind and body), Excel and be Respectful.

By promoting these values TOGETHER WE WILL ACHIEVE! 

Our Vision