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Attendance and Punctuality is very important at Middleton Primary School.

We celebrate attendance and punctuality every week – if a child is in school all week they get a 100% sticker at the end of the week and a ticket to go into the prize draw.

At the end of each half term we celebrate attendance and punctuality by giving out certificates and an attendance pencil.

At the end of each term we celebrate attendance and punctuality by having a Big Prize Assembly.  The tickets that children have earned are put into a prize draw – if their name is drawn out, they can choose a prize – can be anything from a pencil to a game!  They also receive a 100% badge for Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3.  If they are 100% for the whole year they receive a special 100% badge for the whole year!

Throughout the year, we have 2-week Attendance and Punctuality Challenges – this gives the opportunity for someone who might not be 100% to achieve this!  If they are in school and on time for the 2 weeks they take part in a DVD and Popcorn Party!

At the end of the year – if a child is green (96.5% or above) they get to attend the Attendance and Punctuality BBQ!

If they are 100% for the whole year (blue) then they get to go to Lightwater Valley!!


Attendance Categories

We have different categories and colours for our attendance percentages.
All children know what colour they are for attendance and what they can do to improve.

Blue - 100%, amazing!

Green - 96.5% or above, fantastic!

Yellow - 95 - 96.4%, almost there!

Orange - 92.1 - 94.9%, well below target!

Red - Below 92%, this is the equivalent of half a day every week!