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  • Good progress will be made in R.E across the school.
  • Planning will show clear progression and will ensure coverage of the national curriculum objectives/personalised scheme objectives across year groups.
  • R.E will be vibrant across the school through use of displays, trips/visitor and resouces (NPP, UNO ect).


We implement this in school through a range of different strategies:

  • A sequential approach to the teaching of R.E.
  • Dialogic talk is used from EYFS to Year 6.
  • Progession is demonstrated through vocabulary which is built apon each year.
  • Mindmaps will allow the children to reflect on what they have learnt.
  • In R.E, pupils will use real life experiences and make comparisons between their own beliefs and that of others. Pupils will understand how culture and diversity plays a role on our society and the impact of religion on peoples lives.

RE Cycle


The impact of our R.E approach is:

  • Children talk confidently about R.E
  • They have a genuine love for the subject
  • Children have experiences linked with the topics they have been taught
  • Chidlren to recall and build on previous knowledge

Impact is also measure through outcomes. R.E outcomes are recorded internally on a termly basis using the assessment ticklists which are linked to our progression documents.

RE Progression Document